The Byzantine Monuments Photo Archive is an ongoing project by Koç University Stavros Niarchos Foundation Center for Late Antique and Byzantine Studies (GABAM) to create a digital photographic archive of Byzantine monuments in Istanbul. The core of the archive is made up of monuments found across the Historic Peninsula. Professional photographers have made several visits to each monument to photograph the buildings under the most ideal weather, light and environmental conditions. The archive includes photographs of all visible exterior and interior facades of each monument, and covers a wide range of details from wall paintings to mosaics, and from inscriptions to capitals. Where possible aerial drone photography has been used to document the monument’s location within the current urban environment. The archive will continue to grow as new photographs of the monuments are added.

Permission to use images from GABAM Archive

Subject to the following conditions, images from GABAM archive could be used for educational / academic or commercial purposes.

Academic Use: Includies book / article publications, thesis, non-profit scientific exhibitions, educational usage and other scientific projects.

Commercial Use: Will be considered upon request.


  1. The copyright notice must be included for each image reproduced. The copyright notice should include © GABAM / name of the photographer.
  2. Permission is for single-use and none of the images could be used except stated on the request form.
  3. Each photograph must be used in its entirety. Any changes (cropping, adjustment in size or color) on the digital photograph is not permitted / or subject to prior approval.
  4. Number and size of the images required is limited to the purpose and will be considered on that basis. For book / article publications size will be maximum 300 dpi.
  5. One complimentary copy of the publication (book, article or exhibition catalogue) should be send to GABAM.

How to request use permission?

  1. Download the from this link and fill it in
  2. List all requested images and fill required information
  3. Sign the form
  4. Scan the signed form and submit to

Saint Sophia

Great Palace Mosaics

Stoudios Monastery