After completing his Bachelor’s studies at Middle East Technical University’s Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Engin Akyürek received his Master’s and Doctoral degrees from the Department of Art History at İstanbul University. With scholarships from the Vehbi Koç Foundation and the Johns Hopkins University, Akyürek continued his doctoral studies at the Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, USA. In 1998, with a Post-Doctoral Scholarship from the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA), Akyürek worked as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Illinois for three months. Between 1998-2014 Akyürek taught Byzantine art history at the Istanbul University.
Ivana Jevtić studied art history at University of Belgrade (Faculty of Philosophy) and completed her master and doctorate studies at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and University of Fribourg. She has taught at University of Fribourg and, since 2010, at Koç University. Her research explores the art of the Byzantine world, focusing on monumental paintings, the reception of the antique tradition, the development of the narrative mode in the later period, and aesthetic traditions, as well as the historiography of Byzantine studies. Ivana Jevtić also publishes on the phenomena of reuse (spolia), and the artistic and architectural development of late medieval art centers, especially that of Constantinople.
Studied sociology at Galatasaray University, worked successively as production assistant, public relations account executive, operation manager, congress/M.I.C.E project assistant, festival-sponsorship and project manager. Coordinating International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium from 2018.
Received her B.A. degree from department of Archaeology of Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts and M.Sc. degree from department of History of Architecture from Istanbul Technical University. She has worked in several domestic and international archaeological excavations between years of 2005 and 2013, while doing volunteer work for Glass Collection of Istanbul Archaeological Museums’ Classical Section between 2006 and 2010. During years 2010-2016 she has worked as a content editor for temporary and permanent exhibition projects